Friday, April 17, 2020

Leadership in the Movie Apollo 13 free essay sample

Apollo 13 The film, Apollo 13, is based on the real-life crisis that occurred April 13, 1970 on board the Apollo spacecraft. The two main characters, Gene Kranz (Ed Harris) and Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks) are the key players who will address how a leader is able to survive and thrive in a world in which unexpected events occur on a regular basis. They portray the effective styles of leadership in balance with their ever changing surroundings, as well as their ability to maintain their interpersonal relationships with a group under unfavorable conditions.This film is a powerful movie because it makes clear to the viewer just how often disruptions and discontinuities occur. Also, it is an excellent example of how leaders must be able to meet the challenges posed by unexpected, chance events. The characters Jim Lovell and Gene Kranz are the leaders who are able to meet those challenges. The viewer is able to distinguish early on that Jim Lovell is the leader of the crew consisting of lunar-module pilot Fred Haise (Bill Paxton) and command-module pilot Ken Mattingly (Gary Senise). We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership in the Movie Apollo 13 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jim Lovell is charismatic, confident, and cool in a crisis.He leads his crew with a democratic style because he allows free and equal participation in the decision-making processes of an organization or group, and he is keenly aware of his own behavior at all times. His behavior towards his crew is that of a supportive leader. In fact, he is a leader who is aware that his role can change due to the highly volatile environment hi which he works. For example, his first decision was to replace Ken Mattingly with the rookie back-up Jack Swigert (Kevin Bacon) only days before the initial launch of Apollo 13.His decision was made as a result of medical information concerning the exposure of crew member Ken Mattingly to the measles. This decision was not a popular one with Ken Mattingly and was also defended when questioned by a superior. This shows that although Jim Lovell is a friendly and approachable leader, he can make tough decisions in a timely and effective manner, as well as stand by the decision and take responsibility for it. As the film progresses and more disruptions take place he will prove to the viewer that he is a leader who can adapt with each circumstance and maintain his position as leader.He is also able to maintain his influence over his crew. This may be due to the fact that Jim Lovel’s crew are highly trained experts in the field of science as well adults that possess high levels of maturity. This can be supported by the Life-Cycle Theory of Leadership according, Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard. According to the Life-Cycle Theory of Leadership, as the level of maturity of followers increases, structure (tasks) should be reduced while socio-emotional support (relationship) should first be increased and then gradually decreased.The maturity level of the followers is determined by their relative independence, their ability to take responsibility, and their achievement-motivation level. Therefore, throughout the film the viewer is able to witness the Life-Cycle Theory of Leadership in full action. For example, Lovell offers support to his crew by creating a friendly atmosphere which allows the members the ability to perform their duties in a pleasant environment. The result of the highly structured tasks these astronauts are to perform are expected to bring more satisfaction to each member of the crew and increase the desire for extraordinary work.The character Gene Kranz and his style of leadership can also be supported by the Life-Cycle Theory. Gene Kranz is the Prime Flight Controller in Mission Control at Houston. He will have direct contact with Launch Control at Cape Kennedy as well as with Lovell and his crew on board the Apollo space craft. Like Lovell, Kranz has a charismatic, confident, and cool in a crisis persona. He also leads a group of well trained experts that possess a high level of maturity. His situation, however, will become more complex when various disruptions and discontinuities occur.Therefore, Gene will partake in participative leadership as well as autocratic leadership. He involves consulting with subordinates and asking for their suggestions in the decision-making process but also understands he at times must give direct orders that are not to be questioned. An example of his co-mingled style of leadership is evident in a scene where he explains the new mission to those under his authority. The new mission is to forget past procedures and get those boys back home. He also declares, We have never lost an American in space and they sure as hell wont lose one on his watch. This is a leader who is confident in his ability, while simultaneously inspiring the creative process needed by his crew to accomplish the group mission. In other words, he is successful in creating the right environment that will influence creativity and innovation but also keep the element of time as the main objective. An excellent example would be when he issues the order, I want the power procedures now! Therefore, he is a leader who can make a decision on the spot, get results on time, and allow the creative process to flow.The situation, the technicians and engineers, the astronauts in space, and each leaders ability to remain calm and in control help the viewer to understand that plans are subject to breakdown. Success will ultimately depend on a leader and their ability to make a sound decision based on the information they have at hand. It becomes ever so clear that the situation and the behavior of a group are key factors in the success of completing a goal when conditions are less than favorable and always changing.Apollo 13 was able to accurately describe constant disruptions and discontinuities while revealing how a leader responds to those ever changing events. While Apollo 13 was able to convey leaders who could maintain their position of power, the film Lord of the Flies could not. It is evident to the viewer that hi both films the level of maturity of group members are key factors to the success of a leader. For instance, low levels of maturity, like that of the boys in Lord of the Flies, is a good example of when leadership is most likely to fail.In conclusion, Apollo 13 is an excellent film that provides compelling lessons on the need for leaders to be able to successfully deal with discontinuities and unexpected changes. Both of which are vital to the survival and achievement of a group mission or goal. The best lesson that Apollo 13 leaves its’ viewer with, is the positive message that a leader can successfully overcome various disruptions and discontinuities and achieve the organizational mission.